Monday, November 17, 2014

Shapes, Monsters, and Halloween

We focused on shapes this week in preschool. I put shapes on the floor and the kids ran around with flyswatters and hit the shapes that I named.

We used shapes to make Shape Monsters. My kids LOVED this!

We used felt shape pieces to create jack-o-lanterns

We also had a Halloween Party. Here are some fun activities that we did at our party.

Halloween Bingo

Candy Walk - Students walk on the numbers until the music stops. The teacher pulls a number out of a bag and whoever is on that number wins a prize/piece of candy. 

Pumpkin Lantern - I saw these on Pinterest and decided to make them. I loved that the activity gave the kids practice with cutting straight lines. You can see how to make them here.

Decorate cookies - I went to my local grocery store bakery and ordered pumpkin shaped cookies. 

Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pumpkin Unit Week Three

Question of the Day

How do you think a pumpkin grows? On a tree or On a vine.

Have you ever been to a pumpkin patch?

Halloween Rubbing Plates - I didn't get a picture of this! I'm so sad. I can't remember where I bought these rubbing plates, but they are cute and my kids love them. 

Sensory Table - Pumpkins
Since we are studying pumpkins this month, I put pumpkins in the sensory table. The students used spoons, tweezers and magnifying glasses to explore the insides of the pumpkins. I also put out cups so they could separate the seeds from the pulp. 

The next day, I added toy hammers and nails. The kids hammered the nails into the pumpkins.

On the last day, I added Halloween Mr. Potato Head pieces so the kids could make silly faces on the pumpkins. 

Pop up Pirate
Fun game that I bring out in October to go with the Halloween theme/vibe. I attempted to make the game a little more educational by writing numbers on the swords and a spinner. The children take turns spinning the spinner, then located a sword that has that number on it. 

Small Groups/Teacher-Directed Centers
Math- Feed the Monster Shapes
Kids flip over a card and feed the monster the shape on the card. 

Literacy- Where's the Bat?
My students love this game. I hide a bat under one of the pumpkins while they have their eyes closed. Then they take turns naming a letter to locate the bat. 

This game is available at my TPT store here

Write the Room - Pumpkins
I dicut some pumpkins and wrote letters on them. Then I taped them around the room. The students had to walk around the room, find the pumpkins, and color the corresponding pumpkin on their clipboard. 

Life Cycle of a Pumpkin
Students color, cut, and sequence the life cycle of a pumpkin. Then we hang them from the ceiling.

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
We had enough money this year to go on a field trip! My students loved our local pumpkin patch.