Saturday, August 30, 2014

Back to School

My Preschool Open House is next week! I'm so excited to finally start preschool Here's some pictures of things that I pass out at my Open House and send home in my summer letter.

I send home a letter to my students every summer to get them excited about preschool. In my letter I talk about how great preschool is and I give a few personal facts about myself. I also send this dinosaur for them to color and bring to the Open House. I can't remember where I got this dinosaur from, but I made up the poem to go with the dinosaur so the students know how to color it.

Here is a link to download the Dinosaur for free

Lesson plan books....I've never found one that I've liked before. My students only come to school two days a week. I have four different classes, and they come either Mon/Wed AM, Mon/Wed PM, Tues/Thurs AM, or Tues/Thurs PM. On Friday I have district meetings and some planning time. Because my schedule is so unique, I decided to make my own Plan Book. 

Here is a link to download a word file that you can edit

Here is a letter filled with important information that I give to every parent at the Open House

Here is a before picture of my bulletin board. While at the Open House, each student colors and apple and we put it on this board.